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Posted by johntmeyer on July 10, 2009

3 Responses to “Couscous”

  1. Tasi said

    1. I love couscous. Now I love it more. 2. Nintendo blowing…I just blew on Hal 9000 our copier at work the other day. It worked. If it’s not water, it can be equivalent of ducktape for electronic stupidity. 3. Yes, I was mocked by the intern for blowing the copier. 4. Sigh.

  2. Heather said

    When I was 9ish, I decided to clean my parents brand new TV. And by clean, I mean pulling the trigger of a squirt bottle targeted at the controls for a full half hour. Yeah, it quit working. But we let it sit over night and, wolah, it worked in the morning!

  3. I once dropped my cell phone in a cup, in college. I had accident insurance on my phone to get it replaced but it didn’t cover water damage…but I told them a fib, which I now lament on, that I talked on it in the rain. And I got it replaced. End of story.

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